An important aspect of a successful marketing strategy for every business is human connection. After all, people would rather work with a business they know and can trust than a faceless corporation. The most direct way to personally connect with others is by meeting them in person. Of course, in our globalized economy, that's not always possible, so the next best thing is to put up your professional headshot on your website.
When marketing for an entire company, it's important to establish a consistent look or theme. When A2 Systems Engineering Inc, an engineering consulting firm based in El Segundo, approached me to take their company headshots, it was a great opportunity to exercise creativity. I noted that their branding was marketed toward the aerospace industry, so we decided on a black background to represent space, with blue lighting and clothing accents to represent the deep blue sky.
Our team arrived to set up at their office for individual headshots and ended with a set of group photos downstairs. I think the results turned out exceptionally well – you can see for yourself below!

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