Portrait of a confident graduate walking up Janss Steps
Stanley Wu Photography
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Portrait of a confident graduate walking up Janss Steps

The key ingredient of a timeless graduation portrait is confidence. After all, confidence is the essence of the occasion and essential to succeed in life's endeavors.

Although it might be difficult to immediately feel confident in front of a camera, it becomes much easier when you have an experienced portrait photographer to guide you.

In this image, I directed my graduate to walk up the stairs triumphantly – at this point in the session, we've already built up quite a bit of rapport, so it felt natural for him to walk up the stairs just like this. Of course, we had to wait for an optimal moment when there weren't too many people on the staircase to capture this moment.

This image was taken at Janss Steps near Shapiro Fountain at UCLA.

Location: University of California, Los Angeles.

Stanley Wu Photography
(424) 652-6330 – hello@stanleywuphotography.com
@stanleywuphotography @stanleywuweddings
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