Observatory Night Sky Creative Shadow Portrait
Stanley Wu Photography
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Observatory Night Sky Creative Shadow Portrait

Observatory Night Sky Creative Shadow Portrait

Featured in this nighttime image is a UCLA aerospace engineering graduate looking off to the future while casting a creative shadow on the nearby observatory.

As a portrait photographer well versed in creative lighting techniques, I felt like it made a lot of sense to utilize the laws of physics to create this image, since my client was an aerospace engineer. I used various techniques, such as light and shadow projections, three-dimensionality in imagery, and night sky photography to create this portrait.

It was also appropriate that this image was taken at Boelter Hall, which is one of UCLA’s engineering major buildings, which happens to have an observatory unit on the roof.

Location: Boelter Hall, UCLA.

Stanley Wu Photography
(424) 652-6330 – hello@stanleywuphotography.com
@stanleywuphotography @stanleywuweddings
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